

24小时pH阻抗研究: 吞咽困难患者胃酸反流和非胃酸反流的测定, 运动性疾病, 胃食管反流或巴雷特食管 by placing a small catherter through the nose into the esophagus that is connected to a small recorder that is worn for 24 hours.

肛门直肠测压: This test is performed to help diagnose dysfunctions of the anal sphincter that cause constipation and/or incontinence.

Anoscopy: This test in done in the office to visualize the anal canal and distal rectal mucosa. 痔疮和肛裂可以用这种方法诊断.

Bravo pH监测研究: This study is done to measure acid and non-acid reflux in patients with dysphagia, 运动性疾病, 胃食管反流或巴雷特食管. A small capsule is temporarily attached endoscopically to the esophagus which transmits readings to a small receiver worn for 48 hours. 手术后48小时,记录仪被送回内窥镜室.

胆胰测压法: This endoscopic test is used to determine if there is an abnormality with the pressure at the 胰腺 or biliary duct. This is most often done for patients experiencing abdominal pain associated with gallbladder disease.

结肠镜检查: 这项检查是为了筛查和诊断. 息肉, 炎症, and any other irregularities are found as the lumen of the colon and the rectum are visualized. Necessary brushings or biopsies can be performed as indicated during the procedure. 结肠镜检查是预防结肠癌最有效的方法.

EGD(上内窥镜): 整个食道, 胃, duodenum and sometimes the first part of the jejunum are viewed through a fiberoptic scope to assess for tumors, 侵蚀, 溃疡, 或者确定出血或其他异常的原因.

内窥镜超声检查: 这个新, highly advanced technology is the passage of an ultrasound probe on the tip of an endoscope which allows more efficient staging of esophageal, 胃, 胰腺, 直肠癌. This procedure also enables the endoscopist to better characterize submucosal lesions.

内镜逆行胰胆管造影: Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography testing is done for diagnostic or therapeutic reasons. This test allows the physician to visualize the 胰腺 and common bile duct as well as the entire biliary tract including the gallbladder and to be able to therapeutically perform pressure measurements, 石头删除, 导管/支架插入和更换, 相呼应, 肿瘤消融, 以及其他必要的治疗方法.

食管测压法: 这个测试是通过一个小的, 薄, pliable tube with sensors through the patient's nose down the esophagus to measure the pressure of the contraction waves of the muscles of the esophagus and/or the gastroesophageal junction in order to diagnose abnormalities of the esophageal sphincters that affect swallowing and can cause GERD.

食管射频消融: This procedure is used to treat Barrett's esophagus which is the growth of abnormal tissue in the esophagus which has the potential to develop into cancer. The ablation therapy is done with a balloon passed through an endoscope into the esophagus where ablative energy is delivered to the esophageal lining and removes the abnormal tissue. With proper follow-up care, healthy esophageal tissue is formed as part of the healing process.

细针吸吸: Fine-needle aspiration of cysts and abnormal growths is performed using an endoscopic ultrasound scope guidance where a needle can be passed through the 胃 or duodenal wall into the cyst or growth under direct visualization. 这样就可以从囊肿和癌细胞中提取液体. Patients with cancerous or pre-cancerous conditions are able to undergo timely surgery and those without life-threatening medical conditions, 可以避免不必要的手术.

灵活的乙状结肠镜检查: This test is done to view the lumen of the sigmoid colon and rectum to determine if abnormalities are present.

Ileoscopy: University 胃肠病学 endoscopists are able to perform endoscopy through an ileoscopy to obtain brushings or washings or to visualize the small bowel lumen.

肝活组织检查: Interventional Radiologists at University Hospital perform percutaneous liver biopsies for diagnosing chronic liver disease and assessing the degree of liver damage (staging of fibrosis).

穿刺术: University 胃肠病学 endoscopists perform this procedure to drain excessive fluid from the abdominal cavity.

钉管放置及管理: Percutaeous Endoscopic Gastrostomy Tubes are placed for patients who are malnourished or may have trouble eating or drinking due to dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) or malabsorption.

光致激光治疗: This procedure is performed for the ablation of high grade dysplasia in Barrett's esophagus patients who do not undergo esophagectomy. This process is a 2-stage process requiring administration of both drug and light which, 结合, 能引起细胞损伤和肿瘤死亡吗. 接受这种治疗的病人至少会在30天内保持光敏.

PillCam食道及小肠: University 胃肠病学 was the first gastrointestinal practice in the Syracuse Area to introduce PillCam testing. 这个群体仍然是, 如果不是最活跃的话, in 纽约中部 in utilizing capsule endoscopy with referrals for this testing coming from all over New York State. The small bowel technique has proven invaluable in the evaluation of patients with occult gastrointestinal bleeding, 小肠息肉小肠息肉, 小肠肿瘤, 以及克罗恩病的初步诊断. The esophageal technique remains in the infancy stages for recognition by the insurance payers but has proven it's value for evaluating esophageal varices and Barrett's.

小肠镜检查: University 胃肠病学 endoscopists perform this test to visualize the lumen of the small bowel and to obtain specimens of suspicious areas, 如果有必要的话.

大便潜血检测: Stool guaiac testing cards are given to patients to collect stool specimens for the purpose of testing the stool to detect the presence of blood in the stool.